Things I’ve made


An alternate reality game, where players worked with a sentient AI to infiltrate research offices, steal data and of course …save the world. Created an interactive story using automated calls/SMS, partnership from local businesses, some abandoned offices and a pinch of live acting.

Barcamp GroupHug

A social experiment on guerrilla marketing and group dynamics. Intriguing posters + QR codes + GoPro = hugging? This one failed hardcore – learned a lot though.


Mobile Film Challenge

A 48-hour mashup of film school and film festival, where teams created and screened short films created on their cellphones. Covered by the Global Times here.

More info / Pictures

Epic Fail: Stories of Entrepreneur Failure

A night of true stories told by local entrepreneurs. Held in Shanghai, China.

More info / Pictures

Powerpoint KTV

A ridiculous improv game where the player is put in front of an audience and a random PPT. The player must then immediately give a presentation based on said PPT. Hilarity ensues.

More info / Pictures
